
Feedback 3rd November

You have made a fantastic start to the course and I am very impressed by the quality of your writing and level of technical understanding you already have, especially given that you did not work in film during your Media Studies GCSE. All work has been completed, and to a high standard and your film analysis is detailed, thoughtful and well written and at times makes excellent use of terminology and some reference to semiotics. You are currently working at a low Excellent level (B/A boundary); in order to improve your work to comfortably fall within your targeted A grade, you should do the following going forward:
  • Highlight all terminology in pink. If you get into the habit of doing this for each post, you won’t need to go back and do lots of highlighting.
  • Start to refer more to genre and genre signifiers in your analysis.
  • Keep it up! You are on target and I’m looking forward to seeing you work on your film opening.

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