
Primary and Secondary Target Audience

Due to most of the other horror films having a typical audience, I am going to set my film within this similar audience. Cabin in the woods (the film closest to my idea) had a primary audience of young female viewers, and had a secondary audience of young male viewers due to the difference being very small. Because of my film having a female central protagonist, would help to encourage more female viewers to watch the film. My film would also be targeted at younger audiences, due to the other films being targeted to 15-24 year olds. Therefore my primary target audience would be 15-24 year old female viewers.

My secondary target audience would be younger viewers. This is because they will ignore and get around age rating certificates. They would be both genders in this age group. Due to cabin in the woods having a secondary audience of younger male characters, They would be my secondary target audience.

The uses and gratifications theory tells us why people consume the media. Due to the younger teenagers ignoring the age certificates, implies that they are watching it for a social integrative reason, to fit in with the others. They may also want to watch the film so they can forget about real life, and all the stress of the real world, therefore relax.

BBFC Film Rating

When researching similar films to my idea and genre, typically most of the age ratings were the 15 age certificate. According to the BBFC website for a film to pass the 15 age certificate, it must not contain, strong violence and extreme gore, extracts. My idea is minimal on the gore, although there will be aspects of violence, within the film. Due to the film opening being only a few minutes, the film will not contain sexual scenes or nudity. Although I was not planning on their being these sorts of scenes, within the whole film idea, the opening would not get far enough into the narrative for this to be shown.

The BBFC website also states that films may contain strong threat, and horror, but it must not be related to sexual content. This describes what I had I mind regarding the plot of the film I was planning therefore it would not be pushed up into that 18 certificate band. The website also states that strong language can be used, depending on the context. (who is using the language and the frequency of it.) My film would not contain any sort of suicide, or self-harm, and would not promote this, therefore ruling this factor out of the decision. The website also states that drug use can be shown as long as it is does not connote it in a positive way. (does not promote or encourage drug use.) My film idea would have contained some form or drug use, but due to the opening being only a few minutes, the film would not progress enough to show these scenes. So the film would potentially gain an age 15 certificate, but the opening of the film would not show anything that bad for a younger viewer.

Typical Genre Audiences

Depending on the film depends on the types of audience that watch it. The film Cabin in the woods (2012) (the one closest to my idea) has a primary young female audience, whereas there is a secondary young male audience in the same age group, due to the difference in figures being a few per cent. Looking at the reviews of the film, interestingly, the females who left reviews, left positive and recommended the film, whereas most of the males left negative feedback. This shows and supports the primary audience.

One of the more famous horror films, Jaws (1975) has a primary audience of 40-54 year old males that have right wing political views. They are typically in the ABC1 social category and generally earn more income. This shows that different horror films have different audiences therefore appealing to different groups of people. Due to it being an older film, can suggest that the audience is much older.

Another horror film, the Poltergeist (1982), generally has a primary audience of 40-54 year old females. They typically have left wing political views, and have a C2DE social category. This then portrays the type of film it is.

The Conjuring (2013), typically has a young female audience. They typically have right wing views and have a C2DE social grade. This connotes the types of people that like to watch these sorts of horror films.

Overall most of the recent horror films are targeted and watched by younger female audiences. But the older films are watched by older male audiences. Although these two categories of people are entirely different, this shows how horror films have changed over the years and how they have changed their target audience. Some of these older films tend to be more famous horror films. This connotes that older males like to watch these older types of film, where as the younger females like to watch these new releases.


Successful Box Office Horror Films

One of the most successful horror films of all time is Jaws (1975). With a budget of $7 million (very small) and a domestic gross of $260 million (in America alone), it made a lot of money back, unlike most films. It then made on top of that it made $210,653,000 worldwide. Due to the film being close to realism, the film could be created on little special effects, therefore keeping the costs down.

The sequel, Jaws 2 (1878) had an estimated budget of $20 million, it made its money back ($81 million) but it was not as successful as the first film. Due to it being only a few years released after the first film, the film could have been rushed therefore the story not being as good as it could have been, disappointing viewers therefore creating bad press and not as many DVD sales. Most of the viewers would have gone to watch the film due to its successful first film.

I am legend (2007) is a much more recent film with a budget of $150 million and a domestic gross of $256,393,010. Due to the story being strong, helps to engage the viewer and share it round amongst others. This then creates extra revenue for the film.
The Poltergeist (1982) had a budget of $10 million and had a domestic gross of $76,606,280. Due to it being very successful, helped to boost the audience for the sequel films.