
Dark Knight Rises Opening Scene Analysis

Director: Christoper Nolan
Budget: $250,000,000
Opening Weekend Gross: $160,887,295

The scene is a long shot of the character therefore showing most of his body. He is stood in a very tall posture which suggests power and he is confident. The angle of the camera is level therefore giving us a neutral power status. This changes whilst the film progresses, when Bane becomes out of control. His status then has a lack of power therefore the camera angles drop looking down on him. The environment is very dull and has hangers in the background. As the runway is very dusty this suggests that it is private therefore showing wealth. The other guards with the guns also shows wealth as it looks like a criminal escort. The weather is very overcast therefore setting the mood of the scene.
The sound added to the scene is non-diegetic and helps to build up the tension of the film. This is effective as it helps to keep the viewer held in suspense with both the visuals and the sound, therefore trying to guess what is going to happen.

This panning establishing shot helps to show the environment and that they are in the middle of nowhere. The scene also shows, because of the shadows, is is still overcast. This helps still sets the mood. Also as there is not much light, this suggests that anything could happen this is also supported by that they are in the middle of nowhere. In the scene we see some motion blur on the environment, this suggests movement, as the plane is focused.

This next close up shot shows the captured being threatened to be thrown out of the plane. But blurring the background of the shot and focusing on the vulnerable helps to give the effect that the viewer should focus their attention on. By placing a gun in the shot also give the effect to the viewer that they are being threatened. As the background is blurry it make it look misty and cloudy this adds the whole aspect of the whole scene being grim. The black face mask is moving and blurred due to the wind, this suggests that the plane is moving and gives us the sence that he could be thrown out of the plane.

This next over the shoulder shot/third person shot (OTS) is paired with another OTS (therefore creating a shot reverse shot). Because Bane is blurred this helps the viewer concentrate and focus on the other characters expressions. Because the other character is knelt down like bane, and he is shorter, therefore smaller than him suggests that Bane has more power over him even though he is captured.
When the shot reverses to show Bane, the angle of the camera is looking up at him which gives this idea of power again. Where as the other shot the camera angle is looking down at the other character. The lighting has a blue tinge to it therefore connoting a cold feeling for the viewer. Because of this change in colour, this changes the mood of the characters and the viewer watching.

The facial expressions on Bane helps to make the viewer denote that he is powerful and uncontrollable. Also the mask on his face makes him look even more intimidating for the viewer and the other characters. The sound in this shot is mainly dialogue between the two characters, therefore diegetic. There is also non-diegetic dramatic music playing in the background to give the viewer a sense that something bad is going to happen or that something is following the plane (As shown later in the film opening).
As this is the first time we encounter with Bane this signifer (being the villan) which shows and relates to the genre of the film.

This next shot is effecive as it shows the side of the plane being hyjacked. As the hyjackers swing down, this show that the plane in now out of control. This shows the power of Bane and his employees due to the hyjack of the plane. The sound in the shot has dramatic non-diegetic music playing behind the dialogue to build the tension and inform the viewer that something is going to happen. This is effective as the viewer can assume that the plane is going to be hijacked due to the shots showing the other plane foreshadowing and hinting at what is going to happen.
The temperature of the shot is blue showing coldness which outlines the narrative at this specific time.

This irregular medium shot has the idea of power. As the viewer is looking up at Bane, this gives the sense that he holds the power and is in control of the plane. Because he is hanging from the seat also shows that he is confident unlike the others grasping the seats. This tells the viewer he is not scared unlike the others. This shows what type of personality he has and shows that it would take a lot to scare him. This signifies a stereotypical villain.

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