
AS Film Review

In the first part of the opening, there are idents. Although this is appropriate, I thought that they could have been improved to look more professional.

The first shot in the opening is a establishing shot to give the viewer some background information. This is effective and relevant for opening. 
The shot then cuts into a shot supposedly inside of a bed. As the character gets up the composition and framing is a little bit off as part of his head is cropped out of the frame not giving any space around the edge of the frame. 
The choice of music is appropriate for the mood and situation in the opening. 

After the shots inside the house, the plot then leads to outside showing the central protagonist crossing a bridge. As this part of the film was shot in the rain it sets the mood of the film which is appropriate for the narrative. The character walks into the shot with the camera facing at their back. This is effective as it shows where the character is going and connotes the mood of the plot. When the shoot is being taken in winter where the weather is misty and cold. This then connotes coldness and sadness therefore appropriate for the narrative.

The opening then cuts to a sped up train which shows time passing.

It then cuts to a completely different character with completely different lifestyle. The characters both share this sadness and cold feeling but they both are completely different people. There is another establishing shot of another cheaper house this contrasts back to the original house at the start of the opening. When the opening cuts to inside the house, it shows some trace drug which matches and is stereotypically paired with the type of character he is and the house he supposedly lives in.

Cutting back to the other character, there is a shot that shows the river passing which suggest more time passing. This is where both the contrasted characters meet for the first time. When the older character starts to climb over the bridge, the younger character stops him. This is the first bit of dialogue in the opening. Although the diolougue is minimal it is effective as the music and cinematography is really well done so the viewer can relates in the opening.

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