
Test Footage

As my inspiration for my film came mainly from the location, I still had to scout through the woods for suitable shots for the film, as the characters walk through the woods.

For this first shot, it shows the lay by that the car drives into as they get to the edge of the forest. For the actual film I would want the angle of the shot to be different so you could see more of the lay by, when the car pulls in. Although this angle of the shot is not quite correct, it shows the type of shot I would be looking for, to create this idea.

The location of the cabin is perfect for my films genre and narrative. Due to it being isolated and the woods being dark, helps to suggest to the viewer typical horror conventions. I think this shot is a perfect angle of the cabin, as it shows how smashed and damaged it is. The spray paint all adds to the effect of it being vandalized. The shot also shows quite a lot of the woods around the cabin. As the forest is really dark, it helps to make the shot more atmospheric, simulates to the viewer the fact that they are in the middle of nowhere.

When the two characters get to the cabin, they camera shows the damaged cabin. This shot shows both the broken cabin and the broken caravan. Due to it being in the forest, it being dark, helps to make it more atmospheric.

For this shot the camera shows where the characters would walk to get to the cabin. With the mud shown in the shot helps to show to the viewer that it is difficult to walk through.
This location is perfect for the characters when they walk to the cabin, as it simulates the fact that it is difficult to get to the cabin, making the story more believable, and following the typical horror genre conventions of isolation.

There will be multiple shots of the characters as they walk through the woods to get to the cabin. this shows how dark the forest is, perfect for the horror genre. The scene is quite atmospheric which helps to add to the film. This makes the viewer relate to the characters if they were in this situation.

I think that this shot shows the two characters walking away from the car to the cabin really well. as they are quite far away, it suggests that they are being watched, stalked, which is the story behind the film.

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