
Location, Cast, Props, SFX & Mise en scène

Due to my idea coming from this one location, I have only had this one location in mind, for filming. Because of the dark, thick forest and there being a smashed up abandoned cabin. This makes it a perfect location for a horror film, as the setting being very similar to other horror film settings, therefore applying to horror genre conventions.

The cabin for the film is a perfect location for the narrative of the film. Due to its isolation, atmospheric location makes it perfect for the opening scenes of the film. The image shows the cabin and the caravan opposite all smashed up and broken. When I was taking the photos in the woods, it felt isolated and looked very dark making it perfect for the films plot.

Due to the forest being quite muddy makes the plot more interesting and more believable that the cabin is difficult to get to. An overcast or misty day, would make the scenes of the film look better as it would make the scenes look a lot darker, making the viewer believe that the two characters are in trouble.

All of the shots for the film will be shot in this location, to keep shooting and scheduling simple, and because there are plenty of potential areas for the different scenes and shots for when the characters walk to the cabin. Due to there being a huge amount of woods, makes it a perfect location for the opening as there are multiple angles and settings for the shots for the film.

Cast and Character, Props, Special Effects
The central protagonist is Aaron the university professor that is doing historical research into the area. His wife Jess has come with him to stay in this isolated cabin where he is doing his research. When she realises that the cabin is all smashed up, she isn't happy.

I think that my cast is good for the roles and characters in the film, because I decided character based on the cast I had available to act in the film. I think that the cast looks believable for the films narrative as the type of character suits the age and culture of the cast.

There will be minimal props in the film as most of the opening consists of the journey to cabin. The male character will be wearing a rucksack, containing equipment for his research. Outdoor clothing will be on the characters as they walk to the cabin. As it is a cold grim day to walk to an isolated cabin.

There will be minimal special effects in the film as the narrative is quite realistic and does not contain any sort of science-fiction characters/aliens etc. The only sorts of effects added onto the footage will be blurs and colour levels, for the shots from the perspectives of the stalker.

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