
Evaluation - The Final Cut

I think that the final cut of the opening turned out well. The camerawork works really well for the opening, especially the variety of shots, using steady shots on the tripod and handheld shots to represent the view of the stalker. The variety of shot lengths and types is also a strength of the opening, as it presents long sweeping slow pans whilst the narrative is all calm, and switches the variety so the technical aspects of the footage, fits with the narrative, therefore applying to typical horror conventions.

I also think that sound in the film was done well. the use soundtrack or music really help to make the film much better. The syncing of the music with the visuals, is also done well as disturbing noises come up at certain points in the film, which helps to add to the whole opening. The dialogue in the opening was also good, especially when it was re-recorded and placed onto of the footage.

The use of editing was a strength of the final cut as I tried to keep in mind what style of editing typical horror films use. This then helped to apply to these conventions. When editing the footage, to add effects to it, I also kept in mind the typical horror colouring of the lighting. I then made the shots more blue using a tint. I think that this helped the viewer fell like they are watching a horror film.

I think that Mise-En-Scene and the narrative could've been improved, if I had more time, or I would have re-done the film, as the narrative could be stronger and more conventional. Mise-En-Scene in the film was very minimal, due to most of the location and footage being filmed outside, in the woods. Things like costume were thought about, but not stressed as much as camerawork, editing and sound. This would be something i would improve, if I were to make another film.

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